
Buy "Tales of the Undead" now!

  Fails of the Undead: How I Moved Past My Own Zombies During the pandemic I started work on a very different book. I had just lost my job of almost ten years and enrolled in an online art school. I purchased myself a laptop with the intent of using it for my online classes and to do a little bit of writing.  Setting up a new computer these days means logging in to every old account you had. This also meant being faced with old projects I'd long since let sit in electronic limbo. One of those old projects I'd had was a 14 page start of a story. It had been a grand world with rules, cities, class structures, the whole nine. I decided I'd jump right in where I had left off and expand it and maybe get a book done within the summer. I had the time, after all. As it turns out, the me from 7 years ago was an ambitious guy who didn't know a lick about writing. My story was clunky and cliché. There isn't anything wrong with cliché, but this was cheesier than nachos. The bon...

Coming Soon...


Reaperman, another collection I'm a part of.

  Life has been flying at me rapidly. I've started a new job, I've started therapy (everyone needs a therapist, it's ok), I've been trying to take my health more seriously, and I've got plans to get my eyes looked at in the near future. Working with computers now is playing with my eyes and I'd like to keep them in better shape. Anyway, you should all pick up this book:

Quick Updates & Stuff

 Lets start with the frustrating news at the start, lets get it out of the way: Despite driving quite a few sales to books I'm in and various other products with my affiliate link, after a YEAR of using the program, Amazon hits me with this:  Amazon Associates   < > Jul 15, 2021, 2:10 PM (4 days ago) to  me Hello faminestudios-20, We’ve now reviewed your application to the Associates Program. Unfortunately, it did not meet our program requirements. As a result, we have closed the account under which you had been temporarily approved.  They've claimed they're gonna pay me out for the money I made (nowhere near the fortunes I'd hoped, but it is what it is), but I was driving a whole lot of traffic to the products simply by sharing links. Lesson learned here is that people will follow a link I share out, and a smaller number will buy what I promote, especially since it's work I've done. I did notice they lost my damn copy of Bloodlust th...

Creators Corner with Castiglione podcast appearance

Castiglione always picks the best photos of me. Talking about myself is one of my favorite and least favorite things to do. It's embarrassing and liberating at the same time. When a friend asks you to do their podcast though, it's pretty easy. Easier, anyway. My appearance on Creators Corner with Castiglione is here, and if you've got about a half an hour and want to listen to me talk about my writing process, my incorporation of mental health in the story, and being a creative type.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN -Kevin
 It's been an interesting few days. So many of my friends excitedly sending me photos holding a book that has words and my name in it, friends asking me for a link to order it on pay day. Lost within pages are short stories pulled from my own brain, written in my car one early morning on my smart phone, or maybe in the kitchen in between feeding the dogs and petting the cats.  In a moment of raw nerve honesty, I've got a lot of self doubt. It's something that no amount of therapy (so far) has been able to touch, and I've tempered it a bit with some successes here and there. This (becoming a published author and legitimizing myself) has been a huge boost, especially in this post pandemic weird landscape that we're calling "normal".  This is something my sisters will be able to pass on to her kids or great grandkids and tell them about how their Uncle Kev was a writer back in his day. Something my nieces and nephews will one day read and hopefully get spooke...

Does this look Infection to you?

The face of a very happy author.  Buy this book.   The books are here, in my hand. It is very real to me now, and I'm thrilled. As a writer, artist, maker, I'm sure everyone feels that creeping sensation that people may not enjoy your work, might find flaws in the efforts you've put out. Instead, right now, I'm feeling immense pride over the fact that 5 of my stories got selected to be shared among all of these other talented authors. I hope you'll order a copy or two (one for the Kindle, one for your shelf) and enjoy the tales of zombies and mayhem inside. Until next time. -Kevin